Postive Reasons to Spay Your Pets

Graduating in 1988, from the college of Veterinary Medicine, came with lots of information and challenges ahead of me in my veterinary career. I embraced those challenges and began finding my rhythm working with clients and their patients. The number of unwanted puppies/kittens was at an all-time high. Shelters were frustrated because a family would adopt a pet, and the shelter would request notification that it had been spayed or neutered once it was old enough for the procedure. Many times, that pet went without being spayed or neutered and ended up having a litter of puppies or the male dog was running around breeding any intact female in season. To curb this problem, it was decided to start spay/neuter procedures at an earlier age. As shelters had success with that practice the veterinary community took note and followed along. Today there has been a shift in thinking. Many breeders and veterinarians are encouraging pet owners to wait until the dogs are full grown before doing spay procedures. There are veterinarians on both sides of this debate advocating for the longevity and health of our furry friends.

Recently we were asked to spay two breeding females a person had acquired. He noted they were coming into heat every 4 months. He did have intact males on property which was causing disturbances amongst the pack. It was suggested to spay both females since he had no intentions of breeding them.  We discussed briefly health concerns for females as they age. The female hormones when left unchecked can lead to infections and cysts. These conditions can lead to poor health and weight loss over time.

A surgery date was set, and he brought in Kimber, an 8-year-old yellow lab. She was underweight at the time of her presurgical exam. A Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Profile were done to check values.  She had a normal body temperature. The owner had noticed a discharge and felt it was related to her most recent heat cycle. The White Blood Cell (WBC) was elevated at >40,000 (normal is < 17,000) with most of the cells being neutrophils and monocytes indicating long term infection. She also was slightly anemic at presentation. Her profile showed mild dehydration, and the owner was contacted to discuss her case. We suspected that she had a pyometra. The photo below shows the size of her uterus at the time of surgery. It was necessary to proceed with the procedure to remove the infection from her body so she could regain her appetite and body condition. A lactated ringer’s solution was started as an Intravenous drip to rehydrate her and perfuse her kidneys during the surgical procedure. A small mammary tumor was removed alongside the incision at the time of her skin closure. She recovered nicely and returned home the following day when her housemate Suzie came in for her spay procedure.

Suzie came in 2 months shy of turning 11 years old. She was a chocolate labrador retriever. The owner had no concerns about her aside from her multiple heat cycles in a year.  Her weight was normal and her blood work was within the normal range. During her spay procedure it was discovered that her ovaries were cystic and enlarged. She did not have infection in her uterus like Kimber but having this condition would cause her to have irregular cycles and hormonal changes to her mammary tissues. The photo below shows the enlarged ovaries with cysts present in large numbers. No mammary tumors were found on Suzie at this time.

Why not spay to avoid both conditions?  That is the question of the decade. If a dog or cat are spayed before their 2nd heat cycle their chances of mammary cancer is 0%. That Is a good reason to spay at a young age. We suggest right at 6 months, but it can be done sooner. We like to check for retained baby teeth at the same time as the spay. Right at 6 months all baby teeth should have fallen out. They will still get in molars up until 10 months of age, but the baby teeth should be gone.

I recently found this article from a veterinarian that I thought had some very good information about the debate on what age should sterilization procedures be performed. He included a nice chart with explanations of what he believes would be the best time for these procedures based on the size, sex, and age of the dogs. Give this information much consideration since leaving them intact has its issues as well.  Not only the pathology at the time of surgery, like the above cystic ovaries and pyometra, but also issues to behaviors and other cancers that can be a problem if waiting to do the sterilization procedure.

I personally have had all large breed male dogs that were neutered before 6 months of age and none of them had any issues with joints related to removing those hormones before they were mature. I did the procedures early to avoid hormonal influences that would lead to marking, wandering, territorial guarding, aggression, etc. I am concerned about the behaviors that will be evident with people waiting to spay and neuter when their pet is full grown. I have experienced that in practice in the 1990’s and believe me early spay and neuter is the way to go. Pets heal so much faster when they are younger. We have fewer complications with incision healing and swelling. The cost is going to be less.

Do your research. Talk to your veterinarian. Talk to your breeder. Then take all this information and decide what is right for your pet. What is right for one pet may be different for your next pet. There is no one size fits all on this topic. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day. 

Welcome to the New Year — New Theme

These blogs have been going strong since 2016. After all these years it can get more challenging to come up with new topics. Then it occurred to me that we always have interesting cases or clients that make our days at Winterset Veterinary Center ever changing.

Why not focus on the array of critters we see daily and the cases that make us scratch our heads or say “wow”, I have never seen that in 36 years! I will attempt to cover as many species as possible in our cases.

First up in 2025 is our little friend Bella. Bella is: 8 years old – female spayed – Bichon Frise mix.


Bella presented because of accidents in the house. They had noticed she would strain at times going to the bathroom. One of the days she had blood in her urine on the floor. She was eating fine and had not had any changes to her behavior except for urinary issues. We collected urine and discovered a large amount of blood in the urine that was not visible just looking at it. Urine color and concentration was normal. Her blood work was within the normal range. A lateral radiograph was taken, and we discovered the cause of blood in her urine. 

Radiographs can be difficult to read with some conditions, but bladder stones show up as white spots in the bladder (red arrow) because they have mineral density just like bone. The stone is in the bladder not in kidneys like many people have reported. These stones do cause inflammation and infection thereby relating to Bella’s accidents with blood in them in the house. Interesting to note on this radiograph is the thin white line (yellow arrow) on the heart. This is Bella’s microchip. They show up extremely well on radiographs because of the metal in them.

Since Bella was straining and having accidents in the house the owner elected to have surgery done to remove the stone.  Some bladder stones can be dissolved with special urinary diets. The process can take weeks to complete but it is an option if an owner does not feel comfortable having their pet under anesthesia.  Bella was put on antibiotics before and after surgery. Her recovery was quick, and her owner reported that she feels better now than she had in a long time.

This is a photo of the bladder stone that was removed. Bella will remain on urinary formulas to prevent issues for her in the future. There is no way to know if your dog will have this medical condition. It is no different than people who report kidney stones. Yes, we may know certain things can predispose us to the kidney stones but not everyone who eats those foods or drinks that soda will get kidney stones. That holds true for our dogs as well. If you suspect your dog is having urinary issues, make certain to contact your veterinarian so your furry friend can get back to feeling great in the New Year. 

Thank you for a great 2024 and we look forward to seeing you in 2025. We are so grateful for your referrals. We grow more by word of mouth than any other form of referral. We appreciate your trust and confidence while we care for your fur babies and those of family and friends. Happy New Year!

Final Month of Pet Holidays to Celebrate

The final season of celebrations has arrived. For 12 months I have shared pet holidays that are celebrated each year. I was unaware of many celebrations myself so enjoyed learning right along with all my readers. December has a smaller list of celebrations probably because everyone is so focused on their own holiday gatherings with coworkers, friends, and family.

Nice to see cats recognized during the month of December as we celebrate National Cat Lovers’ Month. It seems that cats are often overlooked in many different areas from diets, to toys, to medications, to pet celebrations. Cats visit veterinarians less on average than dogs. Many dog households have cats that never see a veterinarian. If you love your cat and it has not had an exam in the last year. Try to set up a well check for them. So often we see cats that no longer are eating, and owners are shocked when they realize how much weight they have lost. Cats are great at hiding illness. It is an instinct that came from their wild ancestors. If a cat showed weakness or illness, they would become a target, so they hide or sleep to avoid being attacked. Our domestic cats hide and sleep because they do not feel well but in a busy household those small changes can be missed. Free feeding cats in a multiple cat household can make it hard to know who is eating and who is not. With new diets and therapies catching these illnesses early can offer treatment that will allow them to live longer lives. Isn’t that our goal to have our pets live longer so we can enjoy them for years to come. Set an appointment today for your cat.  Start them on the road to a longer healthier life and show them how much you love them!

December 2nd is National Mutt Day. It is also known as National Mixed Breed Day since many do not like to consider their dogs as mutts. The website has some cute photos of mixed breed dogs and then draws attention to a few famous mutts as well. In the past many years, the number of mixed breed dogs has increased tremendously. People claim their dogs are hybrids or pure bred maltipoo or goldendoodles. I am sorry to say that this is not correct. They are mixed breed dogs. It amazes me that people ignore that fact. I am all for mixed breed dogs since they often are healthier. Traditionally less genetic abnormalities and health issues are seen in mixed breed dogs. Poodles are being crossed with many different breeds of dogs to reduce shedding. Many new pet owners do not realize the need to have these dogs groomed frequently. Since the hair does not fall out the dogs need to be groomed. As veterinarians we are seeing more skin issues related to poor grooming techniques. The density of many of these coats requires that undercoat to be removed on a regular basis to allow the skin to breathe. Without grooming, the risk of bacterial dermatitis or fungus increases beneath that heavy layer of hair. Often these dogs must be shaved down to the skin to remove the mats and debris that has accumulated in the hair coat. If you own one of these mixed breed poodle crosses please speak with your veterinarian or a groomer to learn the proper way to care for these hair coats. Start regular care as young puppies so they will know what is expected for their grooming needs as they grow. Since there are more mixed breed dogs in the world they have a celebration on July 31st as well.  Two opportunities to celebrate our mixed breed furry friends each year.

Shelter pets are certainly important to recognize each year. Therefore, on December 5th we have Celebrate Shelter Pets Day. With December being the time of giving why not find a shelter to donate food, toys, cat litter, blankets, etc. These shelters do amazing work and often are not recognized for the time and energy they put forth to help find forever homes for these sweet critters. If you have a shelter pet, why not take a picture to post on social media and talk about their “Gotcha Day”. Let’s encourage others to adopt a shelter pet since most dogs these days are mixed breed anyway!

International Day of Veterinary Medicine is celebrated on Dec 9th each year. This is a worldwide event to honor all people in the profession. To recognize that the field of Veterinary Medicine expands into public health and human welfare also. Keeping our food supply healthy. Protecting our environment to prevent loss of important species of animals. Many people think of a veterinarian as a person that cares for animals. That is one important role but there are so many others. Across the globe veterinarians and their support staff work together to battle cases of rabies. They collaborate to protect the marine species populations from changing water temperatures and levels. When a chemical spill happens anywhere, veterinarians are called in to assist in the care of the impacted marine and animal life. When the pandemic hit, veterinary laboratories were running covid tests to assist the human laboratories with the influx of tests. The following link tells some history of when Veterinary Medicine began. The variety of roles veterinarians and their assistants play are a reason to celebrate December 9th.

International Day of Veterinary Medicine (December 9th)

These last two holidays are not really about pets. National Cat Herders Day is December 15th. This has nothing to do with cats. In theory, herding cats can be quite challenging due to their behaviors and natural instincts. Cats tend to be more solitary and territorial, making them less likely to follow a leader or move in unison. Therefore, this holiday was created to recognize people who can remain calm and organized in the face of all sorts of confusion and chaos. The saying, “It was like herding a bunch of cats“ has been used when someone is trying to organize something, and it requires a lot of patience. Also, the task is next to impossible just like it would be to herd a bunch of cats. The third Thursday in December is National Underdog Day and has nothing to do with dogs. It recognizes people who have done the unexpected and achieved something that no one thought they could do. In 1976 Peter Moeller founded this celebration and encourages you to root for an underdog in your life on this day.

As we close out 2024 and Winterset Veterinary Centers 40th year of business, we continue to be grateful to all our clients and their critters, big and small, that remain loyal to Dr Jim and myself. We love to hear that a new client was referred by friends or family since that is the best compliment you can give us. Recently I saw a client from Georgia that had first visited us in 2022. They travel all over the USA in their camper with their 3 kids and 3 dogs. She said they returned to Winterset because they love the city campground and the new all-inclusive playground but also the small-town friendly people of Winterset Veterinary Center. That made our day to hear that we had left a lasting impact on them, and they chose to return. Have a wonderful Christmas Season and we will see you in 2025!

Bring on the Holidays

Here comes November and with it we get colder temperatures and longer nights. Veterans day and Thanksgiving are days we all need to be grateful and thankful for the sacrifices others have made for us to live in this great country. Our pets have a few holidays this month as well. We are winding down the year in November with Pet Cancer Month, Senior Pet month, Adopt a Senior Pet, and Pet Diabetes Month. That is a lot to consider during the eleventh month of the year. There are so many senior dogs that have ended up in shelters for multiple different reasons. Most are well mannered and want only to be loved in their final years on this earth. I realize that the most difficult part of owning a pet is how quickly the years fly by. Considering starting with a senior pet makes the time together that much shorter. If you look at it in a different light, how wonderful it is that you offered a loving home for that aging pet who now gets to leave this earth knowing that both lives have been enhanced by each other. Go change a senior pet’s life.

Pet Cancer Month raises awareness that owners need to watch for the 3A’s – changes to appetite, attitude, or activity levels. Multiple health conditions can change the 3A’s. I want to point out that discovering cancer in our pets comes from many different diagnostics. Some cancers like human cancers are benign and cause no health risk to patients. One of the most common ones is lipomas. These are fat tumors that are common in large older canine patients. They become more pronounced as a pet drops weight and many people feel they are growing when it is weight loss that makes them stand out more. Also, dogs’ appetites change for lots of reasons so never assume your pet has cancer just because they are not eating. Malignant cancers are present in our pets and can impact many body functions. Some malignant cancers spread to the lungs where radiographs can show spots. Some cancers have blood changes, but many of the most common cancers show no changes to the blood panels we run routinely. This often surprises clients that we cannot find cancer by running routine blood work. It is still good information to have but our ability to find cancer with it is low. The takeaway is have your pets seen annually at a minimum since dogs age faster than humans. Once they reach their senior years having them seen at least twice per year would be best.

November 1st is cook for your pet day. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS! We treat pets constantly for digestive issues that started with people food in one form or another. It has become a new trend to home cook for pets. What I see is inconsistency in the formulation of the diets and an imbalance of micronutrients. Pet food companies doing ongoing research have shown the positive benefits of these micronutrients. When we home cook all we can provide are the 4 basic food groups. Pets are living longer lives because we have discovered these micronutrients that the body needs. It is common today to see cats between 15-20 years of age. Many large dogs are living over 13 years which was unheard of 15 years ago. Do not buy into fresh or raw or home cooked marketing tactics. Their only goal is profitability and sales. They are not looking at how to extend the lives of our pets.

Nov 4th – 10th is National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. Shelters need volunteers, donations, and thank you’s for all their hard work and dedication. Take a bag of food or cat litter or gift cards to say thank you to the local shelters in your area. They deserve our appreciation for helping the lost and surrendered pets in our country. Tell them how much you recognize the sacrifices they make to care for these pets who are waiting for their forever homes. When you go to vote – remember to drop by and donate something to an animal shelter that same week.

Fancy Rat and Mouse Day is November 12th. Who knew there was an organization for this purpose. I visited the site and discovered there are shows for mice and rats just like for cats and dogs. They evaluate their hair type and colors and body compositions. The American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association (AFRMA) has been around in 1983 so it is nothing new. It is part of a non-profit international club. The focus is to promote and educate people about fancy rats and mice. Anyone can be a member so check it out if you have a passion for these pocket pets.

National Dog Show will be held Nov 16 -17th this year. There are over 250 different breeds that will be present. It can be an educational experience to watch the owners/ handlers in the show ring at these dog shows. It is a great place to see various breeds and help in your personal selection of a dog for your family. If you happen to find a breed that you are interested in, please do additional research to find out more about the care, grooming, temperament, size, exercise needs, etc. of that breed. Daily we see people that are mismatched with their dog breed. These mismatches are sometimes based on the time requirements, the energy levels, the size and sex of the dog, or even the location they will live. Do your research prior to purchase and maybe we can help keep adolescent dogs out of shelters.

Since Thanksgiving is in November, we at Winterset Veterinary Center want to thank you for your continued loyalty to our practice. We are grateful for our customers and their critters of all sizes, shapes, and colors. We celebrated 40 years of business in 2024, and we could not have done that without all of you. The original owner, Dr Ken Henrichsen, passed away 10 years ago this month and we are so grateful for his vision. Dr Jim started here in 1988 right after his graduation from the College of Veterinary Medicine and never left. I joined him after Dr Ken’s retirement in 2007. How quickly the years have flown by. As you celebrate this season of Thanksgiving make sure to let your critters know what a difference they have made in your lives. These furry friends bring joy and health to all. Happy Thanksgiving!

Fall Festivities Can Include Ways to Celebrate Your Pet

Welcome to the October celebrations which are fewer than what we talked about in September. We have some important events to discuss this month so let’s get started.

ADOPT A DOG MONTH is celebrated all month long. Most of these dogs would be found at shelters so this month also has been called “Adopt a Shelter Dog” month. Our shelters are overcrowded with pets of all sizes with most being over 1-2 years of age. Have you ever asked yourself “WHY?” The why comes from unresponsible owners. They got a dog or cat and had no time or money to care for it properly. When it did something to break the human -animal bond the knee jerk reaction was to turn it over to a shelter or release the cat outside. These pets are not broken. They have not been given a chance to prove their loyalty once you step up and show them how committed you will be to them even if they misbehave. All puppies should come with a puppy class to educate the owners on how to be a responsible pet owner. The importance of spay and neuter before sexual behaviors begin is key. Our pets do not become great pets any more than our kids become great by being raised in our home. It requires lots of training and consistency and of course unconditional love. If you are in the market for a pet, please consider checking in with your local shelter.

Adopt-A-Dog Month

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

October 10th is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. This is a hot topic around the veterinary circles. A recent study indicated that dogs that are overweight live on the average 18 months shorter than dogs that are of ideal weight. That is a significant time difference. We need to get out of the habit of giving our dogs food/treats as a way of showing our love for them. It is time to use time and exercise to show them we love them. Think how much better that will make us feel as well. It makes me sad to drive by the dog park and see owners just standing talking or scrolling through their phone and their dogs just laying by them. Walk them around the dog park. Play fetch with them. Bring a comb or brush and groom them while you are there. Spend the time interacting with your dogs and helping them exercise. Most importantly we must reduce the amount of food, treats, and people’s food that are offered to our dogs daily. Weight will continue to be a problem if we do not change the volume of intake. No pet can lose weight without changing what amount of food offered. The most recent statistics I could find indicated worldwide dogs and cats overweight percentages are 59.3% and 63% respectively. In 2007 we were at 43% and 53% respectively. Imagine what the next 10 years will look like if we do not change the trajectory. Winter is coming. This is a season when increased weight gain occurs because we are more sedentary. Please evaluate the type of food and volume you are offering to your pet. Make a promise to get active with your furry friends.

National Veterinary Technician week runs Oct 11-17th. As a veterinarian for 36 years, I would be lost without these trained employees. They keep me on track with appointments and procedures. They handle multiple tasks during any given day. They have as much passion for our clients and patients as I do. When they are unable to be at work because they deserve vacation and sick days also, I really miss them. If you appreciate everything our staff does for you during the year, be sure to thank them. Everyone needs to know they are valued, and these veterinary nurses are no exception.

National Pit Bull Awareness Day happens during National Pit Bull Awareness Month. This celebration was started in 2007 and encourages fans of the Pit Bull to help change the perception of this breed. They are a mix of breeds but recently the DNA test from Wisdom Panel is giving a percentage of Pit Bull on their genetic test. That was surprising to me since we have always said the Pit Bulls are a mixed breed. National Pit Bull Awareness Day shares this link to encourage you to get involved. I have always felt that if an ordinance has been drafted it should target vicious dogs not breed specific dogs. Over 30 different breeds have killed people so why do we focus on Pit Bulls. When a Pit Bull is involved in an incident it gets carried over social media at a higher rate than other dog incidents which is unfair. Often dog bites happen on an owner’s property with their own dogs, so they are not reported. This slants our perception of dog aggression and fatalities. No dog breed is more likely to bite than another. There are many factors that go into dog bite tendencies. It would take many blogs to cover all of those. Just be aware that there are as many friendly Pit Bulls as there are Labrador Retrievers out there. Sadly, aggressive dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Caution needs to be in place whenever approaching a dog, especially if children are involved.

National Cat Day is October 29th. Share a photo of you and your cat or just of your cat next month in honor of all the joy they bring to your life. We are blessed by our furry friends each and every day. Our lives would be empty without them so let’s celebrate them. They help us live longer and get us through our darkest days. Next month we turn our clocks back so the days will be darker anyway, but our furry friends will be there to brighten our days.

September Celebrations Give Reasons to Party This Fall

It appears that September has the most celebrations of all the months. Some unique opportunities to celebrate your pets are listed below. You can follow this link to learn more about each of these celebrations as I will only comment on some of them.

  • Happy Cat Month
  • National Service Dog Month
  • National Pet Insurance Month
  • Responsible Dog Ownership Month
  • Pet Sitter Education Month™
  • September 1st – Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
  • September 4th – National Wildlife Day (also celebrated in February)
  • September 8th – National Iguana Awareness Day
  • September 13th – National Hug Your Hound Day
  • September 14th – National Pet Memorial Day
  • September 17th – National Pet Bird Day
  • September 19th – National Meow Like a Pirate Day
  • September 22nd – 28th – National Dog Week. Last full week in September
  • September 22nd – 28th – Deaf Dog Awareness Week. Last full week in September
  • September 23rd – Dogs in Politics Day (also known as Checkers Day). Recognizing the dogs of politicians
  • September 24th – World’s Largest Pet Walk
  • September 26th – Remember Me Thursday® is an international social media awareness day that brings attention to the millions of adoptable pets waiting in shelters and remembers those pets who never got a second chance. Share your rescue pet using #RememberMeThursday
  • September 28th – World Rabies Day

Happy Cat Month seems to me a misrepresentation of cat’s lives.  I have said many times that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a house cat! They have the best life because they do nothing unless they want to. Never have to clean up after themselves no matter how much of a mess they make.  Someone scoops their poop. Someone puts food in front of them daily. They get to bask in the sun all day. Take cat naps whenever it pleases them. I think every month is Happy Cat Month. Just saying.

So glad they have a National Service Dog month. This should help bring awareness to the roll dogs play in the lives of their handlers/owners. This month initially was to recognize the role Guide dogs play with their vision challenged owners. In 2008, Dick Van Patten had visited a facility in Palm Springs and was emotional about what he saw there. He decided to help raise funds for these training schools so more people could benefit from having a service dog. The month was called National Guide Dog Month at that time but eventually was transitioned to National Service Dog Month. Some service dogs begin as 8-week-old puppies and are trained from the beginning to give aid to their owners. Of these puppies some will never be service dogs because they cannot pass the rigorous tasks/training that are required. Those dogs can be repurposed for other tasks such as drug sniffing or rescue or police work or just a family pet. Some dogs are rescued and given a 2nd chance at a great life of assistance and service. Training an older rescue dog can be challenging but rewarding as they start down the path of service. Please do not try to pass off your pet for a service dog. This creates more challenges for handlers who are truly in need of their service dog and his/her assistance. Some human conditions are easy to spot and understand the need for a service dog. When a service dog is being used for seizures or stressful situations others may question why a service dog is needed. They help their owners as much as a person who has physical disabilities and without their dog would not have the freedom to move about their communities independently. When someone puts a service vest on their pet, and it causes a disturbance in public it creates doubt in people’s minds about other dogs and their functions.  Find an organization that helps train or raise service dogs and donate to their cause so we can help more people get service dogs. There are programs for veterans, vision or hearing-impaired persons, diabetic or seizure afflicted persons, persons with physical disabilities, etc. Each organization gives a gift to individuals who are just trying to live life with as much joy and independence as possible. These service dogs are life-changing for the recipients.

Oddly enough, National Responsible Dog Owner Month is recognized in September. To me this should be recognized every month. We need pet owners to be responsible every month, 12 months of the year, for every year they own their pet. This is a lifetime commitment. Not until you are divorced, have kits, get new furniture, change jobs, etc. The excuses that shelters hear for why someone wants to surrender their dog is endless.  None of these excuses show responsible pet ownership. DO US A FAVOR – DO A PET ASSESSMENT TEST PRIOR TO PURCHASING ANY PET. After the test is taken, if it tells you that you should consider a goldfish because you are not home or too busy or do not want to walk a dog in the rain, sleet, or snow. Get a goldfish, please.

HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE GOTTEN OR CONSIDERED PET INSURANCE? I have to say that September being Pet Insurance Month is something to have a conversation about. Especially if you are starting out with a young pet. The cost of care has increased along with everything else in our country. So often when discussing a trauma or illness situation I hear responses related to finances. Rarely does someone say, “No problem I have insurance.”  Unexpected things happen to young dogs and cats all the time. If you do not have a few grand sitting in your savings account for pet care then you should consider pet insurance. A monthly premium is much easier to budget for than the cost of care for an injured or sick pet. Talk with your veterinarian about pet insurance and what it can do for you.

September is also Pet Sitter Education Month. Patti Moran founded Pet Sitters International (PSI) in 1994. This organization has trained and provided continuing education for pet sitters for decades. They stress professional development and certification to bring this position to new levels when caring for other people’s pets. Many still use the kid down the street or family members that live close by when they must be gone from their homes. PSI wants you to consider other options to keep your furry friends happy while you are absent. Pets have become family so looking for the best care while you are gone or working creates opportunities for organizations such as PSI.

September 23rd is known nationally as Dogs in Politics Day. It originally was called Checker’s Day. He gave a speech on this day in 1952 and it has been dubbed “Checker’s Speech.” He was being questioned about some of his campaign donations and during the speech he indicated that regardless of  what anyone said he was keeping one of the gifts he had been given. He was referring to the gift of a black and white dog his children had named “Checkers”. Now it is representative for all dogs that are in the spotlight with their owners who happen to be in politics. Many other furry friends have lived in the white house over the years and become famous.

Remember Me Thursday will be celebrated on September 26th this year. This day promotes adoption of shelter animals and remembers those who never had the opportunity to be adopted. This is a great time to share your adoption story and raise awareness that shelter animals deserve forever homes also. Give that shelter dog or cat a second chance at life.

World Rabies Day will be celebrated on September 28, 2024. This is a world event. It started in 2007 and continues to this day to raise awareness of the deadly disease and how it is transmitted. In America we have little risk of being bitten by a rabid animal and fortunately we have an effective antidote to stop the progression of the disease. Human cases of rabies amounts to less than 10 cases a year in our country. Animal to animal cases of rabies can be seen more frequently. The last known death of a human from rabies was in November 2021 when a child was bitten by a bat and the parents did not seek treatment. The child died within 3 months.  In Asia and Africa numbers of human deaths can be >50,000/year according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Most deaths are a result of dog bites to children under the age of 15. In those regions the access to human rabies antidotes is limited and costly. If you are ever traveling and see unattended dogs, my advice would be to not interact with them.

As we welcome fall, please continue your flea and tick prevention. Madison County Iowa needs to do prevention year-round anymore. We do not have enough snow to stop the deer ticks that transmit Lyme disease. The cases of Lyme disease in dogs have risen at our practice in the last 2 years related to our mild winters. It appears that Fall allergy season has started as well. We are getting many calls about itching feet and ears related to seasonal allergies. Be sure your flea and tick prevention are up to date before assuming it is allergies. One flea will bite a pet more than 50 times a day and can make the itch appear to be allergies. Enjoy the weather and beautiful color changes Fall brings. We are so blessed to have many places to take our pets and explore the great outdoors. 


DOG”ust” Days of Summer

That’s a new word for me. August 1st is called “DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs“. If you have a shelter dog and have never celebrated a birthday with them. This is your day. Take them on a special outing or buy them a dog-friendly birthday cake. Do something to make the day special for them. Often, they would be happy just to spend the time with you since they are a small part of our day, but we are the joy of their day. Always happiest when with their people. People always comment on how smart their dogs are. They know when we are going for a walk or ride. They know when it is time for their next meal and demand their feeding. They know if we are not at our best. I always remark that their only job is to watch us daily and keep track of all the minor details such as which shoes you are putting on – work verses play.  Maybe it is even the clothing at home verses going out. They gather all that information and then project back to you the enthusiasm or sadness depending on the day. Of course, they would love for you to stay home every day with them.

August 4-10th is international Assistance Dog Week. This is a week to bring awareness to the need for more volunteers to help train dogs for people with disabilities. Many organizations are set up to help you learn to properly socialize and train a puppy to later be given to a person in need. The number of dogs being trained at any one time is over 10,000 but the need is greater even than that. Service dogs are used for obvious physical disabilities that most people recognize but there has become an increased need for those with mental disabilities as well. This has created a demand for more volunteers to help train the puppies.  It is important to know that not every puppy that starts training becomes a service dog. There is a high failure rate for multiple different reasons.  This is no fault of the dog or trainer. Some dogs just don’t have the attention span or cannot bring their energy level down enough to be successful in that setting.  

August 8th is International Cat Day. I am glad they have a day set aside for cats. It seems that they often get overlooked. Almost like they are second-class citizens. Most medications are first formulated for dogs and then adapted to cats off label. It has improved over the last 10 years, but we still seem to have less options for cats than dogs on many therapies. Something to consider from a veterinary medicine perspective is we know that there are more cats than dogs per household in the United States. Yet cats see a veterinarian on average 50% less than dogs. Cats age faster than humans as do dogs. Many cats are indoors only so owners do not see a need for preventative care. Also, cats are good at hiding illness and when sleeping more than usual people assume they are fine. Many studies show that cats have dental issues and arthritis by the time they are 6 years of age if not sooner. Having regular check ups is important with our cats. If people started bringing their cats to veterinarians as often as dogs maybe pharmaceutical companies would discover more products to help them live longer healthier lives. August 22nd is Take Your Cat to the Vet Day so why don’t you start a new tradition of having your cat seen every year by a veterinarian.

August 10th is Spoil Your Dog Day. From my perspective that happens every day for many dogs. I see it in my daily practice as owners talk about the ways their pets bring joy to their lives. Many owners then respond with rewards of treats, petting, walks, snuggles, etc. I wish people would leave out the treats part of rewards more. The weight issues are real with our pets as much as with ourselves. We are killing them with kindness. A recent study remarked that dogs of lean body mass live on the average of 18 months longer than overweight dogs. People with dogs that are of normal weight tell me they get criticized by others for their dogs being skinny.  I tell them to respond back that if you can’t feel the ribs right under your fingertips or see an indentation behind the rib cage, then your dog is heavy or obese. We need more awareness of how excess pounds impact the health and mobility of our dogs.

National Check the Chip Day is August 15th. Years ago, the chips would migrate away from the shoulder area and make them difficult to find. Today’s chips have anti-migration properties to help them remain over the shoulder blade area. I think an important part of this day would be updating your information with the microchip company.  If you have moved or gotten a new phone number since your dog was microchipped call them or go online to correct the information in the file. This is a crucial step in making sure they can be reunited with you if lost.

I have attached the rest of the celebrations for the month of August in case you would like to honor your Lizard or black cat. It is amazing to me the different scheduled days we have created for our animal/pet friends. It just goes to show how much joy and value they bring to our lives. May you have a wonderful month and get out and enjoy the Iowa State Fair. The tradition continues during the DOGust days of summer!

Celebrate July with Your Pets

Ready or not here comes the “RUFF”est day of the year for our furry friends. Our Independence Day is full of fun, food, and fireworks for our families. Our pets struggle immensely with the unpredictable loud noises and flashes in the sky. I have clients that can’t even get their dogs to go outside for fear of fireworks being set off at random times day and night. Noise phobias are real for many pets. Unfortunately for owners, the ability to comfort them is unobtainable. We have encouraged owners to get thundershirts. Put their pets in rooms with noisy televisions, blaring radios, white noise monitors, fans, etc. to drown out the loud fireworks. For some it can help but many pets continue to pace, pant, shake, and vocalize due to fear and anxiety. Please be considerate if you encounter people who do not share your love of fireworks. The terror and threat are real for some and therefore they struggle finding the joy in fireworks.

The month of July moves us into the last ½ of the year. Not certain how we got here already. These celebrations can be found at TimeToPet in the following link.

We recognize that summer months come with needs for hydration but never knew that July was Pet National Hydration month. This seems like a no brainer but yet raising awareness never hurts. Reminding people to not leave pets in cars is another important safety tip. Maybe I should start a new pet holiday! Who knows – maybe there already is one. They call July “Dog House Repair” month as well. Seems we have a celebration for just about everything.

July 1st is ID Your Pet Day. This is something everyone with a dog should consider. I have heard stories of old dogs running off after years of staying on property. I get asked, “Why?” If I had that answer I probably would not be writing blogs anymore. It goes along with the “Why do dogs eat poop?” Another question that has no easy answer. If your pet has a microchip that is permanent, you can prove they are yours and when scanned the number can connect you and your pet quickly. It is not costly and the number of stories we have heard of how pets have been reunited with owners even after years of separation is staggering. Consider microchipping your cats as well. Even indoor cats can be lost with fear of repair personnel or in a move to a new location. This chip is lifetime. Most are less than $50 and come with online registration so no matter where or when they are scanned that number can connect you with your pet. Some people fear their personal information is on the chip. That is not true. The number is placed into a Microchip Look Up online database which gives a number to call, and the specialists then make the connection. Please remember to update your information whenever you move or change phone numbers. We have had pets found in Iowa whose owner’s information still indicated they lived in California.

July 5th is National Pet Remembrance Day. Let’s flood our social media posts with the pets that enhanced our lives during their time here on earth. I figure there is not a person on this planet whose life has not been touched by a special pet. That pet may have been large or small, furry or slimy, unique or common, but to that person it was life altering.

National Pet Fire Safety Day is July 15th. This is such an important safety tip. Please get something posted on your entry doors indicating the number of pets and type of pets so if there ever is a fire and you are not home the firemen and firewomen are aware.

July 16th is World Snake Day and Guinea Pig Appreciation Day. I feel now we do have a day for everything. I have been in practice for 36 years. I have never hidden the fact that I like pets with fur and feathers. The practice has a few reptiles that come through the door, but the staff know to have Dr Jim handle them. I have judged some pet shows in my days as a veterinarian and there have been some reptiles at those shows. Fortunately, since we are judging how the 4-H student handles their pet and their knowledge about their pet, I have been able to fulfill my obligation. Until I was in my 30’s, anytime I saw a snake on the road I would do the shimmy in my car seat. I can now see them and remain still. Slow progress!

Feed a rescue pet week is July 27th – Aug 3rd. One of the biggest expenses for shelters is the cost of food. We do a pet food drive every Christmas for our local Crisp program to help feed hungry pets. My guess is that there are hungry pets all year round. Could you find time to drop off food, litter, pets supplies, etc. to a local organization? If we all helped with this expense our local programs would greatly appreciate it. Every bit helps and you can spread joy and kindness into this world.

National Mutt Day is July 31st. This day is celebrated on December 2nd as well. It may also be known as National Mixed Breed Day. Years ago, every dog that was not a purebred dog was labeled as a mixed breed or mutt. Today most of the dogs we see are mixed breed dogs. With the trend of taking two purebred dogs and mating them together, we have created a whole new class of “mutts”. Many will be offended by my statement, but I am only pointing out that these “hybrid” mixed breed dogs are still mutts. The cost of these dogs has skyrocketed. I do feel that this trend has reduced some of the so-called genetic defects we see in purebred lines. When crossing the breeds you have the potential for a healthier dog. That is not to say they won’t have issues but in general we see less heart and joint problems at a younger age.

Whatever celebrations you have planned for this month please be aware that extreme heat can be hazardous to your pets. Make certain they have a cool place to retreat to and plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Hot Summer Days Come with June Pet Holidays

Hopefully you are finding your rhythm with summer routines. School is out and camps and activities are in full force as are celebrations for our furry friends in June. June is Adopt a Cat Month traditionally. There are many places to adopt from but also many cats just seem to find their forever families by showing up at the right place at the right time. I always say few people go looking for a cat, cats just find their people.

June is also called National Pet Preparedness Month. This is something that should be considered not only for our small animals but also large animals. If natural disasters occur there are certain things that should be considered regardless of the size of the animal. For instance, all animals should have some form of identification. A microchip can be used for all species of animals and will never fall off or be removed. Most people only think about it for dogs or cats. If livestock get out of their pens they can travel away from home and be difficult to identify without some form of ID. In the south, multiple dogs and cats have been recovered at the time of hurricanes and many do not have identification. The shelters then rehome them to shelters up north and finding them is next to impossible. Another thing to always consider is food and access to water. These are essential items and not having access to water for a few days can cause severe dehydration and possible death. Having photos of you with your animals can prove ownership at the time of a natural disaster. Follow the above link to learn more about National Pet Preparedness Month.

June has some well-deserved cat holidays. Sometimes it seems that cats are left out and considered 2nd class citizens next to dogs. They are gaining status but have a long way to go to catch up with dogs. Even when considering medications and available treatments for cats, many of them started as dog products and have been adapted to cats. Also, dog owners take their dog to a veterinarian once a year 78.8% of the time compared to cat owners 47.2%. With the help of google I discovered that cats outnumber dogs in the USA, but many rarely see a veterinarian for preventative care.  Many cats and dogs end up in shelters each year and very few cats are spayed or neutered. This article from Psychology Today has some interesting patterns that they have collected about people and their pets.

The Truth about Cats and Dogs—by the Numbers

After reading an article like this one, I recognize that we need to do a better job of education with cat owners about the need to spay and neuter their kittens. Often spraying/vocalization

I see that the week of June 17th – 21st is take your pet to work week.  I would love to see photos of my readers at work with their pets. Talk with your employers and see if they would be open to celebrating this event at your work.  It may not be a productive day but certainly can bring great joy and happiness to the office. I have discovered more offices have cats or dogs that are present during business hours. I feel this is a good trend for both the customers and the pets.  As you can see cat workday is at the beginning of the week and dog workday at the end.  Might be good to have 2 separate days.  Some cats and dogs do not get along with the other species.

Whatever holiday you decide to celebrate with your pets this month of June, be certain to get out and enjoy our first official month of summer in Iowa. With all the rain in May Iowa is in full color and water interests are ready for our enjoyment. Get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Make certain your dogs are on heartworm prevention. The mosquitoes will be out too!

May Additional Celebration

The beauty of a blog is having the opportunity to share life events with my readers. Three years ago, we shared the birth of our first granddaughter, July, who was living in Omaha at the time. Almost two years ago her parents made a decision to move back to the Des Moines metro. We have been so blessed to have them closer. This week my husband and I had the privilege of caring for July while her baby sister was entering the world.

We found many things to keep July busy and distracted while her parents were away, and the storms were passing through. Yesterday we had the opportunity to take July, the big sister, to meet Vienna. July was excited to see all of them and hold her sister for the first time. A few minutes later she was busy moving her mom’s hospital bed up and down and asking questions about the different buttons in the room. Our daughter and granddaughter are doing great. Vienna is 8 lbs 10 oz, 20 inches long, and has lots of dark black hair. We are excited to be able to watch the two sisters grow and experience life together. I hope everyone is safe after the strong winds and tornados that passed through Iowa last night. It is times like this that we realize what is important. 

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