Rabbit Agility is an activity we enjoy doing with our rabbits. It consists of several obstacles such as jumps, weave poles, teeter-totters, and bridges set in a circle, and is a timed event. We started training several years ago as a 4-H activity.
Any breed or size of rabbit can be taught the different obstacles in the agility course, but we have found that some rabbits are more athletically-inclined than others. In the above photos, our large Flemish Giant, Duncan, is hopping over the bridge obstacle and through the window jump. Rabbits must wear a leash and harness, and move voluntarily through the course.
Marshall constructed a new set of agility obstacles for the Madison County 4-H rabbit exhibitors in 2016, and it was selected for the Iowa State Fair. Each day during the Madison County Fair, rabbit exhibitors are invited to practice the course with their rabbits in preparation for competition during the rabbit show.
Our best agility competitor, Tommy, is a breed of rabbit called Tan, which is considered a “running rabbit” breed. With practice, Tommy will move through the obstacles on his own, and really enjoys the physical activity. Other running rabbits breeds include Rhinelanders, Checkered Giants, and English Spots. Running rabbits are energetic and athletic, but generally not snuggly.
Marshall Eddleman, Madison Co. Shooting Stars 4-H Club
Heather Jamison, Madison Co. Fair Rabbit Supt.